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- «c2»«ac»THE MEETING - PART II«»
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- «as»
- «c7»This is the follow-up article to «c6»The Meeting-article «c7»released over 4 years
- ago in Jurassic Pack. That article has also been available at Scenet.de the
- latest years.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»
- «c7»The last meeting several years ago had ended with «c6»Ghandy, Lord Helmet,
- Sixpack and Zerox «c7»shaking eachothers hands and wishing
- eachother luck before leaving in a flurry of promises for endless co-operation
- and a soon recovery for D.I.S.C.!«»
- «»
- But the problems for the «c6»main team of D.I.S.C. «c7»and the rest of the team had
- not ended with that meeting.
- Infact, at the end of 1998 the prospect for success wasn't very promising
- at all. It was impossible to get in touch with the coder «c6»Brainwasher «c7»as he
- had left the scene to concentrate on his own company. Again the D.I.S.C. Team
- was without a source and a coder. They were «c6»destroyed, «c7»and really began to
- doubt D.I.S.C. would ever see the light of day again.«»
- «»
- However, in early 1999 a miracle happened; «c6»Modem «c7»agreed to code D.I.S.C!
- The D.I.S.C. Team was again given new hope. Later on that year it seemed
- like Modem didn't have time to code the mag afterall, so he gave the
- «c6»precious mission «c7»over to a young coder named «c6»Cupid. «c7»These days he's better
- known as «c6»Dr.Doom. «c7»Around the summer of 2000, Dr.Doom was able to present a
- fully working source. It was a bit different from the earlier D.I.S.C.
- sources, and «c6»quite unique «c7»in its way.«»
- «»
- It was time to send out invitations to all the D.I.S.C. Team members,
- and also the main-team of D.I.S.C. of course. Yes, it was made certain to
- invitate the powerful main-team as well as all the other supporters to a
- «c6»banquet «c7»where the future of D.I.S.C. once again should be discussed.«»
- «»
- One of the main-team members, «c6»Sixpack, «c7»didn't reply to the invitation,
- so from now on the main-team of D.I.S.C. was reduced to 3 members.
- As the banquet began in the «c6»D.I.S.C. H.Q. building, «c7»also the eating started
- with the arrival of the first tureens of soup. There were various soups to
- choose between, some even with mushrooms, great platters of bread hot from
- the ovens, and for those who thought soup was too thin without something
- floating in it, dishes of dumplings and buckwheat noodles. «c6»Zerox «c7»drank his
- soup thoughtfully, not really appreciating its plendid flavour, for once
- again his attention was elsewhere. Were the other «c6»D.I.S.C. Team «c7»members
- really dedicated, he thought. Finally the soup was cleared away and the
- feasting progressed to more solid fare: poultry, fish and game of all
- sorts, various sausages, buckwheat, pickled cucumbers, cabbage, great
- joints of beef with sour cream, and succulent pieces of pork for those that
- wanted.«»
- «»
- As usual at all of the «c6»D.I.S.C. team «c7»meetings, there were brisk discussions
- amongst the members, not about the meat, but about the future. "It's time
- to strenghten the D.I.S.C. team", «c6»Zerox «c7»said. "I agree" «c6»Lord Helmet «c7»added.
- "But where to find new talents nowadays" «c6»Ghandy «c7»asked. "Why get new
- members, when we just can promote one of the old co-editors?" «c6»Zerox
- «c7»expressed. "Is that really an option?" «c6»Ghandy «c7»answered. "Who are you
- thinking about«c6» Zerox?" Lord Helmet «c7»asked. "«c6»Darkhawk", Zerox «c7»said. "Why
- not?", «c6»Lord Helmet «c7»added. "Ok, lets ask «c6»Darkhawk «c7»if he wants the job or
- not. Any objections?" «c6»Zerox «c7»asked. This time there were no objections,
- either voiced or silent. As with the first edge of all the visitors
- appetities blunted by the good soups that began the meal, everyone else in
- the building had found the time to talk as well. «c6»Zerox «c7»found «c6»Darkhawk «c7»and
- asked him to join the main-team of D.I.S.C, and «c6»Darkhawk «c7»agreed. So now the
- «c6»main-team of D.I.S.C. «c7»had once again 4 members. The banquet ended, and it
- was time for the new main-team of D.I.S.C. to begin the work.«»
- «»
- Even though the new team looked very strong and impressive, it wasn't
- really. The great «c6»Lord Helmet «c7»began to tire, and was not much into the
- scene. «c6»Ghandy, «c7»which also had promised endless co-operation, didn't really
- believe in the project at all. And «c6»Darkhawk «c7»was now also busy with another
- magproject. It was only «c6»Zerox «c7»left which wasn't totally into other projects
- as well. He had sweared to be loyal to the D.I.S.C. team many many years
- ago, and intended to «c6»keep his promises.«»
- «»
- «c7»Hours became days, the days became weeks and the snow of winter began to
- fall, covering the grass and the flowers and the dead leaves of autumn,
- until all was still and silent and a shroud of white lay across the gardens
- of the «c6»D.I.S.C. HQ building. «c7»It was about time to release a new issue of
- D.I.S.C. after nearly 6 years of silence! «c6»Zerox «c7»was trying to learn how to
- operate the new source while also gathering lots of support; like new gfx,
- modules and intro, in addition to the contents. He also tried to write ALOT
- himself. «c6»Lord Helmet «c7»was out of the scene, but agreed to make a few
- cooperation articles with «c6»Zerox. Darkhawk «c7»made many articles also, and
- delivered them all to «c6»Zerox «c7»to be edited into the source. Late, but still,
- «c6»Ghandy «c7»also delivered articles so that D.I.S.C. could become reality.«»
- «»
- So in January 2001, a new issue of D.I.S.C. got released. It was «c6»issue 11. «c7»The
- sceners really liked it, so the hard work and the continuous believe in the
- project had finally paid off. At least it appearantly looked like that,
- «c6»D.I.S.C had risen «c7»up to the third place at the charts with only ONE release
- in 6 years.«»
- «»
- Far from everything was allright. The last issue of D.I.S.C. was HUGE, but
- not perfect. There were some outdated files and the final editing could
- have been better. But the real trouble had just started...«»
- «»
- The months passed by, and nothing at all happened. «c6»Lord Helmet «c7»wasn't that
- interested in the scene anymore, and besides, he was busy working and being
- a father. So he was no longer a part of the D.I.S.C. team.
- «c6»Ghandy «c7»was working on Showtime, and in secrecy also with «c6»Jurassic
- Pack. «c7»And «c6»Darkhawk «c7»was busy with the EuroChart. So D.I.S.C. wasn't the
- first priority at all. But finally a releasedate was decided, and a final
- deadline set.«»
- «»
- «c6»Zerox, «c7»being the only one without any other projects on the side, took on
- the job to organize it again. And the coder, «c6»Dr.Doom, «c7»wanted to get more
- involved in the project and volunteered to do the editing. And so the
- making of the new issue began. New ideas were created, and it was just a
- matter of fulfilling them.«»
- «»
- Modules were collected, along with an intro. A few external files were all
- they managed to get. It seemed like not all were that dedicated to the
- project afterall. And then it was clear that «c6»Ghandy «c7»didn't want to support
- the mag despite of all his past promises. «c6»Zerox «c7»was devistated. All
- these years with the struggle to get D.I.S.C. back seemed to be wasted.
- The dream had vanished. Nothing was left. Nothing. «c6»Zerox «c7»could barely get
- enough strenght to breathe in or out. His legs wobbled beneath him, but
- they had been wobbling for so long that when they finally collapsed, he
- wasn't certained if it was because his legs gave out or because of other
- reasons. «c6»Zerox «c7»felt betrayed, betrayed by a person he thought was a good
- friend which shared his dreams. He was mistaken.«»
- «»
- These setbacks just before the release of D.I.S.C caused some problems. The
- main-team of D.I.S.C. was suddenly reduced to two persons! Now only
- «c6»Darkhawk and Zerox «c7»were left. «c6»Zerox «c7»did his part with writing as much as he
- could the last days before the release which was planned to be at the Trsac
- party. But due to various reasons, it was simply impossible to release the
- mag there. Then «c6»Dr.Doom «c7»couldn't finish the editing job afterall, but still
- managed to improve the source. And now as «c6»Darkhawk and Dr.Doom «c7»have done hard
- work as well, and the editing job returned to «c6»Zerox, «c7»the result was «c6»issue 12.«»
- «»
- «c7»If there will be released another issue of D.I.S.C. is yet to be seen
- though as «c6»Zerox «c7»went into a depression because of the deceive from his
- friend «c6»Ghandy. «c7»And none heard from him for months. And «c6»Darkhawk «c7»was busy doing
- some issues of the EuroChart...«»
- «»
- If the scene itself has reached autumn, «c6»D.I.S.C. has reached winter. «c7»But do
- go out in winter and watch the drifting snow. See, always, how they blow
- and swirl, apart and then together. It might be nothing but the wind. Or
- then again, it might be the ashes of old D.I.S.C. trying to become whole
- once again. But know this, for your comfort when the shadows grow dark and
- lenghthen towards night... «c6»D.I.S.C. is not dead.... «c7»not yet.«»
- © "How-to-say-nothing-in-many-words-foundation-part_II"«»
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